During the era, theaters were a staple of Main Street America. The 1940s showcased some of the most iconic stars in Hollywood history: Tyrone Power, Robert Taylor, Cary Grant, Bette Davis, Claudette Colbert. Inseparable from the era are the classic films Casablanca, Meet Me in St. Louis, and Miracle on 34th Street.

Interview with David Ladd
Exclusive short interview with David Ladd, son of leading man Alan Ladd!

The Politics of Robert Taylor: Song of Russia and HUAC
“I am pro-freedom and pro-decency.” Even as a popular leading man of the era, he wasn’t afraid to risk his film career by diving into Hollywood politics in the 1940s.

Robert Taylor: The Man with the Perfect Profile
"I got into pictures because I was good-looking,” he said simply. Robert Taylor was of the best things to come from Hollywood.

Marilyn Knowlden: Almost Shirley Temple
She was almost Shirley Temple, and almost Carreen O'Hara.

Which 1940s Leading Lady are You?
Take this personality quiz to see which 1940s leading lady you are most like!

Which 1940s Leading Man are You?
Take this personality quiz to see which 1940s leading man you are most like!

Tribute to Ty
A collection of forty-four stunning photographs, one for each year of Tyrone Power’s life.

Tyrone Power: A Prince of Actors
Power was truly a classic actor and a serious professional who captured the hearts of swarms of adoring women fans, while giving men a hero to cheer on.

An All-American Film: Knute Rockne, All American
Film critics agree that Knute Rockne, All American (1940) dictated the style in which future sports films would be made.

Overview: 1940s Films
A unique assortment of comedies, biopics, light romances, war films, spy and costume pictures were pumped out by the thousands during the decade.

Leading Ladies
In the 1940s, the ideal leading lady had poise, perfect posture, and was of immaculate hair and dress.

Leading Men
Hollywood had a few qualifications for the classic leading man: to be tall, dark-haired, and a gentleman at all times.