What We Do
Our Greatest Generation is here to provide you with the most accurate, quality, and well-researched information available on the 1940s era.
Here’s how we do it.
Most of our information comes from actual books. However, when we resort to the internet, we are careful to choose sites that are well cited and know their subject.
Creating an article for this website can be a three-day process. We research heavily before we begin, then write and edit the article before adding the photographs.
We make it a point to never to use AI, nor do we scrape other sites. This ensures that our content is original and exclusive.
Occasionally we are able to contact famous individuals of the 1940s. As of yet, we have published interviews with Marilyn Knowlden (actress), Carl Erskine (ballplayer), Dick Button (figure skater), and Col. Bud Anderson (WWII triple ace).
Although all of our interviews are conducted via letter format, not in person, we are honored with the responses we receive exclusively for this site.